Hanging with the Humphreys 2022 Reading Challenge

Welcome to The Hanging with the Humphreys 2022 Book Challenge

We love to read and we hope you will enjoy this challenge. In order to enter this Reading Challenge here are a few things you may want to know:

Who: Everyone is welcome to join us on a Reading adventure. Did you miss a month?  That's okay, join us where you are and fill in the missing months (they will be posted below).  

What: Sign up to receive our emails (don't worry, they will only come once a month to let you know what the monthly challenge is and maybe have an update on our next book, but that last part is a secret).  

When: Each month from May 2022-December 2022. A winner will be selected January 5th.  

Where: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @humphreyhousepublishing and tag us with a picture of you participating in the Reading Challenge, using the hashtag provided in the email. 

Why: Really, did you just ask why?  Because we love reading and we love fun!  

How: Sign up for the email and read the instructions each month.  


Challenge #1
May: Mom's Pick-
Take a picture of you reading a book about friendship to someone you love #HHPReadingChallenge
#1- Follow @HumphreyHousePublishing on Instagram and Facebook
#2- Perform the Challenge
#3- Post a picture to Instagram & Facebook with the hashtag above
Tune in each month on the 1st of the Month to get started!